Living Monuments of the Deep, 2023
4k film, installation, photo-series, costumes
in collaboration with Nosh Neneh.

- The New Current, BRUTUS, Art Rotterdam, 2024
- Coolsingel projection, Art Rotterdam x IFFR, 2024
- Atari, No Man’s Art Gallery, 2023
- Moon Gallery, 2023
Living Monuments of the Deep is a multimedia project consisting of a photo-series and film. In the project, absurd and hybrid creatures transcend divisions between humans and animals, inviting us to re-evaluate our connection with species on the edge of extinction. Through sculptural and monumental costumes, the project pays homage to endangered oceanic species facing diverse threats to their existence. These creatures - marked as endangered on the IUCN Red List - play key roles in the ocean’s chemistry and ecosystems, which emphasizes the urgency of their preservation.

Brutus exhibition view
Coolsingel projection

stills from film:

Coolsingel projection