Travel Log: A Piece of Parliamentary Information, 2020
interactive, non-linear multi-popup website, total of 6:14min
Online exhibition ‘Who Speaks?’ on artifical intelligence, language and democracy. In collaboration with The Research Department (DAO) of the Dutch Parliament, The Queer Computing Consortium, UCL History of Art Department and Camberwell College of Arts.
Online exhibition ‘Who Speaks?’ on artifical intelligence, language and democracy. In collaboration with The Research Department (DAO) of the Dutch Parliament, The Queer Computing Consortium, UCL History of Art Department and Camberwell College of Arts.
This multi-screen website consists of four
perspectives, each representing its own layer
of knowledge production. It raises concerns
about the increasing dis- and misinformation
in the diffusion of parliamentary information.
Roles and responsibilities of searching,
analysing and presenting this information
are questioned by following a piece of parliamentary information. The videos can be paused and watched in random order.
The 4 films:
- The research department - the Dutch House of Representatives
- The investigative Journalist
- The Tool
- The Reader
are questioned by following a piece of parliamentary information. The videos can be paused and watched in random order.
The 4 films:
- The research department - the Dutch House of Representatives
- The investigative Journalist
- The Tool
- The Reader